Why Vervax?
With the help of Vervax we want to create safe communities of vaccinated people. VerVax The wristband will help identify who has taken the necessary steps to protect the people around them.
Register your vaccination
By uploading your vaccination card, certificate or another proof that you may have.
Order your wristband
The VerVax wristband is verifiable, personalized and stores its encoded vaccination verification QR code.
Keep yourself and others safe
Receive updated information on new variants and your vaccine's recomemended booster dates.
Why should we all join VerVax?
With VerVAx we look to make our transition back to larger group gatherings as safe and as simple as we can. By eliminating the need to carry your vaccination card or passport with you whenever you go out, we hope to encourage more people to get vaccinated.
With the help of VerVax we will be able to go back to our pre Covid-19 lives.
Do the things we all loved doing like traveling, going to school, restaurants, college, concerts, parties etc. All while feeling reassured that we are staying safe and healthy.